It´s easy to get overwhelmed by dire climate predictions. How can we be fully aware of the risks and stay positive?

Hopelessness doesn´t help. Helplessness doesn´t help.

But you know what DOES?

Getting creative to individually and collectively imagine something better.

Intentional change starts with longing and imagination.

I write this Substack to inspire myself and anyone else who longs to imagine a vibrant future filled with:

+ active participation (thinking/planning > hoping)💪

+ inspired collaboration (future-crafting together is more fun) 🥳

+ respectful connections (I see you) 👀

+ intentional inclusion (all are welcome) 🏳️‍🌈

+ convivial communities (hey, neighbor!) 👋

+ lush resilience (competence + compost) 🌱

+ stylish sustainability (rapturous recycling) ♻️

+ radical appreciation (gratitude heals) 🙏

+ frequent moments of joy (essential for any version of a good life) 😊

I´m Maya, and I am so glad you´re here.

As an artist, author, international educator, creative breakthrough coach, and change strategist, I embrace change and teach others the skills required to thrive in new circumstances. Growing up in rural Oregon gave me small-town country girl roots, but I have spent 25+ years living in five other countries and exploring many others.

I see the world as stunningly vast, wildly diverse, utterly fascinating, and filled with billions of kind and generous people who long for a healthy future for all.

That doesn´t mean I have my head in the sand! I fully recognize the harsh realities of our present time and the looming risks.

But I know this: we must adapt in order to thrive. So, I choose to see this as a magnificent challenge to face the future with creativity, playfulness, and action.

My biggest inspiration? My grandchildren!

I am a big believer in the power of storytelling to connect and inspire.

I have helped women in 18 countries create meaningful climate and community projects. From recycling initiatives to social programs, community gardens to artistic endeavors, wellness support to entrepreneurial ventures, we partner to craft a crystal-clear concept and a compelling story that connects with their chosen group. (You can learn more about my work at

Too often, we think about the future in terms of doom and disaster.

But what if we started seeing it as a time of discovery and determination?

Each week, I´ll share:

  • a mood-lifting musing inspired by climate fiction, positive news, or personal stories

  • a creative prompt that gets you thinking, dreaming, and connecting for the common good.

My goals for each Friday post:

  • keep it short

  • spark ideas

  • inspire action

If you can spare five minutes a week for a mindset tweak, I would love to welcome you to my virtual kitchen table! 💚

It´s free to all. When you sign up, every new post is sent directly to your email box, and you can always read posts using the Substack app.

Get started today, and start seeing the future in a whole new way!

Subscribe to Future Foreword

Creative-thinking prompts to inspire a brighter future. ✨


Artist, activist, futurist, strategist, realist with a twist. 🥨 Eyes-wide-open but playful climate storyteller imagining a brighter future. 😎